Recroders are currently found in Malik the True Bards's Instruments and Picks in Shard, Ilithi, and Sinjian's Bardic Requisites of Leth Deriel, Zoluren.

Recorders have the following customization options:

Malik's Instruments and Picks, Shard, offers the following woods for customization:
Additional prices range from 90 to 857 (except for unfinished -90)
Wren-engraved Mahogany SatinwoodCherrywood
Lemonwood Chestnut White ash Lapis-inlaid
GildedFlower-engraved Dragon-engraved Phoenix-painted
Night black Crude Unfinished Simple

Sinjian's Bardic Requisites, Leth Deriel, will customize instruments in the following styles:
Additional prices range from -36 to +37 K
Child-sized Oversized Odd-shaped Crudely-made
Chipped Warped Stained Hand-polished
Laquered Oiled Silver-banded Copper-banded

He also has the following woods for customization:
Additional prices range from 9 to 28 K
Flamewood Golden oak Silverwood Acanth
Rowan Black willow Black walnut White birch
Red cedar Sandalwood Eucalyptus Beech
Red maple White oak Laurel  
Elm Sycamore    

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