One of the eldest drinking establishments in restored Elanthia, the Half Pint features the famous "Bard's Nook," which has been the site of a great many bardic concerts and events. Before Daerlynn's Arthe Series and Dreamheart's Bearholt's Series, almost all concerts were performed here. The Troupe of the Four Winds was particuarly noted for always using this nook for their entrance contests.
DRINKS: |   | |||
1 - Skalliweg's Home Brew | K200 |   | A pleasent beer, good for a tired throat | |
2 - Honey Nectar Cordial | K275 |   | Excellent for a cordial, even manages to lack the excess syrupiness that plagues most of this category of drinks. | |
3 - Taffelberry Rum Punch | K250 |   | Many rum punches are wastes of good rum. This one is a refreshing change in many ways. | |
4 - Cold Ewe Milk | K125 |   | ||
5 - Honeyed Orange Water | K150 |   | ||
  | ||||
FOODS: |   | SWEETS: | ||
6 - Oatcake | K200 |   | 14 - Sugar-Dipped Taffelberries | K275 |
7 - Glazed Roast Chestnuts | K250 |   | 15 - Fried Honey Cake | K250 |
8 - Plover's Egg | K275 |   | 16 - Custard Cream Pie | K425 |
9 - Capon Pasties | K325 |   | ||
10 - Beef Marrow Fritters | K300 |   | ||
11 - Tiny Potato Souffle | K350 |   | ||
12 - Thistle Sprout Salad | K375 |   | ||
13 - Candied Onion-Stuffed Piglet | K650 |   |
Located a mere block away from the Crossing Bard Guildhall, Taelbert's has both a bar and a seperate dining room. Though Taelbert deludes himself by advertising "Delightful Drink At Puny Prices," his bar is stocked with a fair assortment.
Taelbert revised his bar menu fairly recently, dropping his drink prices through the floor.
EDIBLES: |   | SWEETS: | ||
6 - Vegetable Soup - | K400 |   | 13 - Boiled Taffy - | K100 |
7 - Roast Beast - | K500 |   | 14 - Honeyed Porridge - | K 75 |
8 - Skewered Crickets - | K550 | |||
9 - Pickled Greens - | K275 | |||
10 - Goatherd's Pie - | K450 | |||
11 - Aged Cheese - | K200 | |||
12 - Mudhen Fritters - | K400 |
Sela's Guide gives the place 3 tarts, for a fair menu and nice rooms.
Myself, I put it at 2 mugs, the playing around with the 5 drinks on both menus, and the quality of the beers, leads me towards a negative rating, but it is a nice enough place to stock up on the brandy and wines for an event, possibly even some of the single-sip whiskeys.
Billing itself as the place "Where The Discerning Patron Is Well Served" with "Only The Finest Drink," Gaethrend's Tavern is easily the most expensive tavern in the land. However, they seem to thinking "discerning" is a matter of cash rather than taste. If they spent nearly as much time on their stock as they did thier self-promotion they might actually have something worth spending a quarter of their prices on. As it is, their "discerning patrons" would largely be better off drinking undiluted Segoltha water, and we've all seen the stuff that gets thrown in that poor river around here.
This is an establishment where we both agree and disagree on. The snobber aspect, I'd say 6 out of 5. However, Sela is quoted as saying, "Imperial Brandy is the top choice for the top price of 1.5 gold a glass." She later admits it's not worth the price, but this statement leads me to question the validity of her entire guide. The only thing on the menu worse than the brandy is the sherry. I'd much rather have the (expletive deleted)-warm ale, or the poison, or the blood. If I absolutely had to drink here again, I'd bring my own keg. If that wasn't an option and someone else was buying, the only drinks on the menu worth even a tenth of their price are the Wild Hive Mead and the High Elven Wine.
This dive is clearly trying to be the worst pit in town. I don't think they're that good.
The Sand Spit Tavern is a waterfront tavern near the Segoltha River Ferry pier. It offers a very stable thematic bill of fare for small prices.
Sela's right about the atmosphere, the proprieter has done an excellent job with the waterfront dive motif, dark corners and secluded tables, almost everything made out of supplies from salvaged shipwreks.