Currently, minjayrahs are only available in Muspar'i, Therengia. The Muspar'i instrument merchants are different from those of other cities in that instead of ordering instruments, and customizing them, they are more akin to wandering and festival merchants. All of their instruments are premade to exacting standards, already flashier than standard customizations.
The following styles of minjayrahs are available for purchase:
From Dhralduum's Instruments:
- a pale minjayrah stained with a sweep of ebony stars - 550 L
- Look Description -- The minjayrah is a simple wind instrument formed from a single reed.
From Ishamik's Instruments:
- a short minjayrah stained with a curling chain of smoky grey knotwork - 600 L
- Look Description -- The minjayrah is a simple wind instrument formed from a single reed.
From Latanaara's Musical Wonders:
- a mottled minjayrah stained with mahogany-hued autumnal leaves - 500 L
- Look Description -- The minjayrah is a simple wind instrument formed from a single reed.
From Melodies of the Earth:
- a slender minjayrah stained with gold and brown bands - 500 L
- Look Description -- The minjayrah is a simple wind instrument formed from a single reed.
Instrument Home -- Winds Instruments