Clever Meraud in his tall tower
Kept Hodierna locked in flower-strewn bower
Weeping she was, alone and ashamed
Stone chains.
Kertigen stalked the halls of his home
Empty of laughter, lightless and alone
In siege were his men, his creatures, his ravens
With all his creations.
For two years they'd fought on trampled ground
For two years Meraud had beaten them down
His prisoner kept as his magic met the attack
With only Kertigen's words
Sending them back.
And rapidly the war was closing too tight
And Kertigen it seemed must lose the fight
But now in the absence of the day's brilliant light
The Lord of Smiths called
The bleak Lord of Night.
Nightclad he enters, and draws very near
Softly he speaks, saying, 'You called me here.
'To partake in a war that is not worth the fight.
'And yes I will end it, for the right price.'
Kertigen glowers, but agrees for his woes
But the price he requires, Damaris does not disclose
Nodding he slips from the raven Lord's home
Through Kertigen's men he passes like a breeze
And approaches the tower with a swift, silent ease
Spreading his hands he melds with the stars
On Meraud's creatures of war.
Now the tower is silent, for the golems have stopped
The warfield is empty, for his elementals have dropped
The engines that spewed fire, trouble no more
Through Meraud's study door.
Meraud frowns in anger when he sees his brother's form
His rage gathers round him like a winter's chill storm
And brings down the lightning on Damaris' smiling face
An illusion in the bleak god's place.
Damaris crept to the bower whilst his brother fought a shadow
And released Hodierna from her chains amidst the storm's glow
With a cry of joy she leapt from that place
To a unicorn, home swiftly raced.
And back with her husband who drew her in his arms
And promised her no more would she come to harm
Till Damaris approached and reminded in voice soft
Hodierna from Meraud's loft.
Damaris smiled as Kertigen clenched his fists
As the dark-eyed god took Hodierna by the wrist
'Do not take her!' said the raven Lord wise
At his cries.
'This I must tell you.' (Damaris closer draws.)
'Your war I thought useless till your lady I saw.'
And kneeling he gazed at the lady many wished to command
And smiling he took her
And merely kissed
Then like shadows he vanished, with a laugh and a smile
Leaving Kertigen and Hodierna bemused for a while
And when night's cloak is drawn down by Damaris' fist
As if it were kissed.
The song closes.