For beauty and love and wondering surprise
May always be found in a child's eyes.
A shriveled skin once held a snake,
A snail shell found by garden rake,
A piece of quartz that sparkled bright
Was magic when held to the light.
Or was the magic in the mind
Of the lad who made these finds?
For beauty and love and wondering surprise
May always be found by a child's eyes.
The other day, I chanced to find
A box that did these treasures bind.
And smiling as I touched each one,
I wondered where that lad had gone.
The child's eye did wonders see
That rarely now is there for me.
For beauty and love and wondering surprise
May get overlooked by hurrying eyes.
I wandered down, sat by the shore
To think on this a little more,
You came to sit alongside me
And waited there so patiently
While I did sit and ponder long
Wondering where that lad had gone.
What beauty and love and wondering surprise
Used to be seen when I had child's eyes.
Then looking up, I met your glance,
And realized that quite by chance
The answer was -- he'd gone nowhere
The sense of wonder still was there.
Now rarely found in wind and tree,
But always in my love for thee.
For beauty and love and wondering surprise
Are found by the heart, not by the eyes.
The final notes of the song linger for a moment in the air.